ADA compliant propety
Making sure your commercial property is totally accessible for employees and job seekers with disabilities is not simply an ethical obligation, it is the law! While the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) has been around since 1990, many business owners and property managers may still have questions about how to fully comply with ADA requirements, especially because these laws are occasionally updated, requiring action.
Having a clear understanding of these requirements and taking the steps necessary to get into compliance will help avoid costly, and sometimes frivolous lawsuits.
If your business in California, and especially the East Bay Area you should be aware of the case of an attorney who has been going around looking for ADA violations, and suing those locations, and winning millions of dollars in settlements. Don’t be a victim!!
Let WELCOME help get your properties into compliance, and keep them looking their best!! If you have properties in the East Bay Area, including Napa and Benicia, and would like to learn more, we would be happy to help!! 925-288-1911